Ep. 1 of 3 BVTV Trilogy with Billion Dollar Entrepreneur, Mohan Ananda – his biggest achievements

BVTV Visionary Entrepreneur Channel host, Malcolm Gallagher says;

How do you define entrepreneurial success? Is it that one idea that works, that vision that comes to fruition or could it be a succession of successful visions? Welcome to this BVTV Visionary Entrepreneur Trilogy coming to you from the UK Studios of BizVision. I’m your host Malcolm Gallagher. My guest today has an envious pedigree of entrepreneurial achievements that I’m exhausted just reading about them never mind ding them as he has done. His cv sheet sent to me started with the phrases Rocket Scientist and Billion Dollar Entrepreneur!! Let’s go meet the author of Autobiography of an Immigrant welcome Dr. Mohan Ananda.

I am truly astounded at your – let’s call it entrepreneurial energy. You successfully sold your start-up Stamps.com for about $6.6 BILLION dollars but you keep going on and doing more and even have about 15 patents issued and pending in the US Patents Office. What’s behind this entrepreneurial energy – what’s driving you to continue with your visions? And what of all your achievements are you most proud about?